Games apps Design for Teens with Special Needs

Interactive Games Apps design for Teens with Special Needs Official is an Academic course I teach and mentor @ Shenkar College of Engineering & Design.

 Finals projects are around the corner as the students games dev teams make the effort to meet the deadline. Below you can see some examples:

TeamUp Kinect Game Prof of Voice control game demo


I challenged my students @ SHENKAR with game design, programming, game engines modding, multi-player game server side programing, team work gaming industry like, and above all the making an engaging and fun game for teens with special needs which have a meaning and values. In the teaching process I used several game mechanics #Gamification 

I'm very prod of my students that made fantastic game design app CONCEPTS for teens with special needs [CP in particular] come to life. Inspired by face to face meeting with Tzamid - Israel Scouts With Special Needs teens the games projects developed aim to add to their life fun and in a collaborative engaging way: Play Games

Client: Tzamid - Israel Scouts With Special Needs 

Development platforms: 

Unity3D Game engine, Kinect, Xbox, facebook, #C..

check our Pinterest Board which reflects some of the fun my students and I had in the process

Hanan Gazit, PhD
My Hub @ Gamescademy

Gamification for Brands invited lecture @ Digital2012

invited lecture: Gamification Design for brands lecture @ Digital2012 Conf TLV
I was invited to deliver a lecture on Gamification Design for Brands @ Digital 2012 conf
my lecture will cover the following topics: 
  • What is Gamification?
  • Gamification 4 Brands best practice Case studies
  • How gamification design works?
  • Gamification Platforms
  • Gamification ROI
  • Gamification implementation tips & tricks
  • Gamification Design for Brands Challenge unlocked
Should it be renamed to: Engagement & Fun design for Brands?

wibiya #gamification to the masses @PunchTab

This is the first time I loot from my own twitter stream !-) goes like this:

"BREAKING: with  bring  to the masses like  for mobile". This is Big!

go and give @PunchTab a try. Engage!
Dr. Hanan Gazit is the Founder and Chief Ninja @ juloot interactive 
a game based marketing new media agency. Adding the power of gamification to boost your business to success. Start Play your Life™