‏הצגת רשומות עם תוויות Mind the Games. הצג את כל הרשומות
‏הצגת רשומות עם תוויות Mind the Games. הצג את כל הרשומות

כנס החורף של די.ג.ר.ה ישראל 2009 MIND THE GAMES

כנס החורף של די.ג.ר.ה ישראל 2009 MIND THE GAMES

מתי: יום חמישי ה – 29 לינואר 2009
איפה: אודיטוריום, חברת אמדוקס ישראל, רעננה וגם בעולם הוירטואלי סקנד לייף.


רישום ונטוורקינג +קפה

18:00- 17:30

ברכות-נציג אמדוקס ישראל

18:10 - 18:00

Web2.Oפוגש את Web3D

ד"ר חנן גזית | מייסד די.ג.ר.ה ישראל ומנכ"ל מטאוורסנס בע"מ
www.digraisrael.org | www.metaversense.com

משחקי המחשב מהווים חלק בלתי נפרד מהדור הבא באבולוציה של האינטרנט שבו מתמזגים עולמות וירטואליים תלת ממדיים כמו סקנד לייף ורשתות חברתיות. בהרצאה ננסה להבין למה אנשים מוכנים לשלם כסף אמיתי על מוצרים וירטואליים? מה סוד המשיכה של המדיום ומהו הפוטנציאל היישומי והמחקרי של עולמות וירטואליים. בהרצאה יובאו דוגמאות משעשעות של סוגי אינטראקציות חווייתיות כמו "טלמטיק-פרודקשן" הפקה וייצור מוצרים בעולם הממשי מתוך העולם הוירטואלי סקנד לייף ועוד.

18:30 - 18:10

חפש את המטמון הארגוני: מילים אינן מגלות את הכול | ד"ר אלון הסגל



התאמה פרסונלית של מידע בעזרת יכולות דיגטאליות וסמנטיות איכותניות בדור השני של האינטרנט. ההרצאה תתמקד: בקשר שבין היכולת לנתח קשרים סמנטיים ולהתאים פרסונלית ידע רלוונטי, לא מובנה לצורך להתאים מידע ולא ממוקד לנושאים ספציפיים ולמשתמשים ספציפיים, בשיטות עבודה ולימוד, לצרכי חיפוש וצרכי המידע של משתמשים באינטרנט.

19:15 - 18:30

מר רועי שפירא | חשיבה בפיתוח משחקים


ההרצאה תתמקד בדרכי החשיבה למעצבי משחק, מההגדרות הראשוניות של משחק, ומה הופך משחקים לבידור כל כך מיוחד. ההרצאה תתמקד בטכניקות מיוחדות לפיתוח משחקים: מיצירת דיאלוג טבעי, דרך עיצוב שלבים בסיסי במשחק וכל מה שנחוץ ליצירת קונספט של משחק. לדוגמה, כיצד להשתמש בפיתוח המשחקים בטכניקות לכתיבת דיאלוג טבעי שפותחו לאורך השנים בתעשיית הסרטים של הוליווד. ההרצאה מיועדת לכל מי שמתעניין במדיום המשחקים, ממתחילים ועד למומחים.


מר גיא דוד | סקנד לייף ככלי יצירה אומנותי


סקנד לייף נתפס בעיני רבים כמשחק מחשב, אך הוא הרבה יותר מזה. בנוסף להיותו עולם וירטואלי המשלב כלכלה פנימית אמיתית ומקום למפגש חברתי, סקנד לייף מהווה כלי יצירה חדשני המאפשר יצירה אינטראקטיבית בזמן אמת שמקשרת בין יוצר, היצירה וקהל היעד. זהו עולם שמדמה את העולם האמיתי בתלת-מימד, אך יש בו אפשרויות יצירה שאינן קיימות בחיי היומיום. בהרצאה אציג מקצת מהאפשרויות העומדות בפני יוצרים שמעוניינים ליצור בסקנד לייף ואת סוגי היצירה שקיימים שם, מגלריות אמנות פשוטות המדמות גלריות מהעולם האמיתי ועד ליצירות בתלת-מימד מלא שאינן יכולות להתקיים במקום אחר מאשר החלל הוירטואלי. כמו כן, יוצגו דוגמאות מתחום המשינימה, יצירת סרטים בתוך עולמות וירטואליים תלת-מימדים.

20:30 - 20:00

סיכום והכרזה על הכנס הוירטואלי הבינלאומיSLACTIONS 2009 בישראל | ד"ר חנן גזית

20:45 – 20:30


ניתן להירשם באתר האירוע בפייסבוק

או באמצעות משלוח דואל ל info@digraisrael.org

הכניסה לאירוע חינם, אך מספר המקומות מוגבל ונדרשת הרשמה מוקדמת.

כנס די.ג.ר.ה ישראל מופק על ידי: MetaverSense Ltd


DIGRA – האיגוד הבינלאומי לחקר משחקים דיגיטאליים

AVW – איגוד העולמות הוירטואליים העולמי

במסגרת אירועי Metaverse Meetup Tel-Aviv

* ייתכנו שינויים קלים בלו"ז

MIND THE GAMES 2009 DiGRA ISRAEL Winter Meet-UP Lectures and Speakers Bio Sketch


Lectures Abstracts and Speakers Bio Sketch

When Web2.0 Meets Web3D

Dr. Hanan "Vrider" Gazit | DiGRA ISRAEL Chapter, MetaverSense CEO

Massively Multiplayer On-line Games (MMOGs), social networked, and three-dimensional virtual worlds (3D), are merging to form the Web3D. My presentation will focus on the future of real – virtual worlds engaging interactions and its possible impact on our every day life: From Brain computer interactions and games to telematic production process in second life which afford personal customization. With over 100 new web3D and Metaverse platforms, there is a need to map the technological challenge and well as assess how real people behave and learn in these new immersive spaces, where they produce their own materials, share experiences and practice skills of the real-world. Funny interactive examples will be presented.

Speaker bio sketch:

Hanan is the Owner and CEO MetaverSense Ltd., an Israeli based company leading the use of virtual worlds, digital Games and social networks for instruction and business. Hanan holds a Ph.D. degree in the Learning Sciences and a Magna Cum Laude M.A. degree in Science Education, both from Tel-Aviv University. A former post doctorate fellow researcher at LIRT Lab, Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation Institute for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science, University of Haifa. Hanan is a faculty member of the lnstructional Systems technologies department, at H.I.T were he teach games and virtual worlds. He serves on the Association of Virtual Worlds' Advisory Board, on the Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations. He founded the Digital Games Research Association [DiGRA] ISRAEL Chapter. SLACTIONS 2009 Chair [Israel].

The Implicit Knowledge Treasure Hunt

Dr. Alon Hasgall | Mavinu Co-Founder


'Capturing knowledge' in databases, manuals, books and reports, and sharing the 'knowledge assets' is most important for the measuring of performance and for establishing tangible criterions for quality. Unfortunately, what is presented, as being Knowledge, is often simply Information Resource Management (IRM) with the new label. Recently there has been recognition that some knowledge cannot be quantified and cannot be captured, codified or stored.

The intangible aspects of knowledge 'Soft Knowledge' - broadly 'what people know but can't measure' – which cannot be articulated, abstracted, codified, captured and stored is recently become to be recognized as the real measurement of the organizational potential to on-going quality. Studies show that while 80% of IT budgets are spent on structured database systems, only 4% of an organization’s data assets are structured and usually called "quality data". 16% are unstructured data in the form of spreadsheets, Word documents, etc. 80% of an organization’s knowledge assets reside only in employees’ minds. In order to manage soft knowledge successfully, the organization must possess abilities to extract knowledge throughout unstructured data. The ability to find meaning, or to understand the relations between issues and people, and automatically tag your content, is important as the solutions you need are usually near to you, but you can't see them with your bare eyes. However, if you will be able to use semantic analysis throughout social networks and open shareable applications, you will be able to personalize the content to one's need at the exact time and place. Moreover, you will be able to find the one expert who knows the simple answers and probably can lead you to your needed solution.

Speaker bio sketch:

Alon is the co-founder of Mavinu.com

Game Design Thinking

Roy Shapira | Deep Games


I will give a general look at the Game Designer way of thought by first giving the basic definition of games, what makes them unique, then giving specific techniques to create games, namely Dialogue creation and Basic Level Design. the lecture will give the audience the general outlook needed to start coming up with a game concept, and will teach the basic techniques for writing natural dialogue – in both film and games, and will give the basic ideas to consider when planning a game level map.

Speaker bio sketch:

Roy Shapira worked in hi-tech for the past ten years, during that time as instructor, QA, integrator, technical writer, marketing and concept designer. Interesting projects where in the Police Intelligence (consultant), and Software Developers, Post production house as video editor, and digital compositor. Roy self educated himself in Game Design, the last 3 years and corresponded with many of the top game designer in the industry including Lee Sheldon (Myst), David Freeman (Enter the Matrix), Clint Hockings (Splinter Cell and Farcry 2), and Bob Bates (Unreal2) and many more. He have created 2 games using the cryENGINE2, won the ICMC competition sponsored by Crytek and Intel – Level Design Competition, for the project Combat Training. Now he working on a Prototype for a real game called Petrograd with a team that he leads, will receive funding in the following months from investors to create a studio and start AAA production. Roy is Leading the Crymod Community for Crytek, and helping several other groups with Game Design and Creative Direction. A member of the IGDA for the past year or so.

Petrograd Nominate for Mod of the Year 2008


Second life a Portal for Creation

Guy David | NightGuy http://www.guydavid.com

Many regard Second Life as a computer game, but it's much more. On top of being a 3D virtual world which incorporates an economic system and social network, Second Life is an innovative platform for creative people. It incorporates real time interactivity, binding together the creator, his creation and his audience in a world that models the real world in 3D and in addition, afford various possibilities that are not available on everyday life. In my presentation entitled "Second life as a Portal for Creation" I will present few of the creative avenues available to artist through Second life, from simple art galleries that visualize on real life galleries, to full blown 3D creations that are impossible to create, outside the virtual world. I will also introduce the topic of machinima, the art of creating movies within virtual worlds and video games.

Speaker bio sketch:

Guy David (aka Blue Smoke) is a musician, podcaster and digital artist.

Closing & SLACTIONS 2009 Israel Announcment

Dr. Hanan "Vrider" Gazit

This is a Free Entrance Event.

RSVP is needed via facebook here:


or by sending e-mail to: info(no spam)digraisrael(dot)org

When: Thursday, 29th of January, 2009

Where: Amdocs Auditorium, Amdocs' West Building, 4Pnina St.

Amdocs Israel, Raanana.

MiND THE GAMES 2009 is produced and organized by:

MetaverSense Ltd

With the Support of:



A Metaverse Meetup Tel-Aviv event

A True Story about TrueCrime

This is a true story about truecrime game I shared with the audience during my presentation on The future of Virtual Worlds and Video Games for Children: Challenges and risks, at the annual summer conference "Children in Virtual Worlds" of Eshnav-People for Wise Use of the Internet in memory of Eran Aderet* which took place this week at the school of business, the Collage of Management in Rison Le-Zion, Israel.
Not long ago my son returned from school and proudly showed me a surprised birthday present he received from his best classmate's friends: the True Crime Streets of L.A computer game. I was happy to see that he have such good friends, but it seemed that he nor his 10 years old friends were aware to the game's level of violence rating. When we go to the movies, we are usually qware if the movie is rated for adults only. I wonder how many parents and children overlook the violent rating of video games before they decide to buy/download and play? How many people are aware of the US ESRB videogame rating system or the Israeli government's legislation adopting the European PEGI rating violent video games system on February 2007?

I faced a dilemma: I did not want to have my 10 years old son play the true crime game on one hand, but I did not want to upset him and be rude to his best friends by boycotting it, on the other hand. Since they usually play computer games together, a boycott might offended my son's best friends too. My main goal was to educate my son and his best fiends, and to raise their level of awareness to the violent videogames rating system in a positive manner.
Now imagine yourself in my place. What would you do in this same situation?

This brings us to the big Q: What do we know about the social & psychological effects of video games in general and about violent videogames in particular?
According to UNESCO's international heath organization 2007 study, Israeli children are positioned first in the amount of time they spend playing video games compare to other nations. 34.6% of Israeli 8th graders spend at least 4 hours a day playing video games!
if this is the case, we have to gain a fuller understanding of the gaming experience. Gaming is a new form of media entertainment and we need to know what users actually experience while they are playing games.

The effect of videogames content and forms
Lee & Peng (2006) argue that the existing game literature usually focuses on the effects of its contents (violent or educational content) and neglects the impacts of its forms. Media forms like size, fidelity, cuts, synchrony and movements are equally important factors for determining psychological impact of media. For example, formal features such as loud nose, unusual camera effects, fast action, of television are at least partly responsible for television's effects on children's aggressive behaviors. Media forms and contents interact with each other. Newer generation of violent games are more realistic due to new forms factors such as high-fidelity video and audio, 3D, life like display size, and seamless interactivity. Lee & Peng (2006) concluded that there is need to study the main effects of computer games form factors and possible interaction effects between the form facets and the contents types (such as violence. Sex, humor, sports, and so on) in order to get a fuller understanding of game effects.

What happens in the Brain during violent videogame play?

Weber, Ritterfeld & Mathiak (2006) studied the association between playing violent video games and aggressive reactions. The researches used a novel, event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study. 13 male research participants were observed playing a latest-generation violent video game Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror

Each participant's game play was recorded and content analyzed on a frame-by-frame basis. On screen activities were coded as either “passive/dead, no interactions”; “active/safe, no imminent danger/no violent interactions”; “active/potential danger occurs, violent interactions expected”; “active/under attack, some violent interactions”; and “active/fighting and killing, many violent interactions.” Previous studies in neuroscience on aggressive thoughts and behaviors suggested that virtual violence would suppress affective areas of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the amygdala subsequent to activity variations at cognitive areas of the ACC. Comparison of game play activities with and without virtual violence in 11 participants confirmed the hypothesis. The rather large observed effects can be considered as caused by the virtual violence.

Does the interactive nature of playing violent video games have grater effect than passive watching violent video games?
Unlike passive observational learning playing violent video games involves thousands aggressive interactions which are instantly rewarded by numerous stimuli, raging from player survival level, additional points, special effects and more. Moreover, in Massively Multiplayer games (MMOGs) or in a Player vs Player game mode, the players know that the avatar that they just virtually killed is their real-life buddy!
Polman et al. (2008) asked 57 5th and 6th grader Netherlands children (average age 10-11 years old) to play either Tekken 3 (violent) or Crash Bandicoot (non-violent) for 15 minutes. The researched administered two questionnaires after the experiment at different times, immediately, 1 hour or more than 1 hour after the video game experiment. One questionnaire addressed their gaming habits and the second addressed aggressive behaviors. The children were asked to name another child in the study who displayed acts of physical, verbal or relational aggression. They were also asked if the intentions were for play or being mean. The results show that boys who played violent video game were significantly rated to be more aggressive than those who watched a violent video game. The results show no significant differences in either violent or non-violent video game nor whether played or watched among girls. In addition, the researchers found that boys who immediately finished the experiment were rated to be more significantly aggressive than those who rated after 1 hour or more than 1 hour of the experiment. However, the researchers also noted that the reported results should be taken with caution due to their small sample sizes.

What are the roles of age, social intelligence and parent-child communication in moderating the association between digital game playing and direct and indirect aggression?
Wallenius et al., (2007) studied the roles of age, social intelligence and parent-child communication in moderating the association between digital game playing and direct and indirect aggression were examined in 478 Finnish 10- and 13-year-old schoolchildren based on self-reports. The results confirmed that digital game violence was directly associated with direct aggression, especially at age 10, but only among boys. The moderating role of social intelligence was substantiated among older boys: game violence was associated with indirect aggression among those with high level of social intelligence. Moreover, digital game playing was associated with direct aggression especially when parent-child communication was poor, but only among boys. The findings emphasize the importance of individual and situational factors as moderators of the link between game violence and aggression. The researchers concluded that regardless of how much time you spend on video games, video game violence is positively associated to direct aggression. In a follow-up report, Wallenius & Punamäki (in press) investigated the roles of sex, age, and parent–child communication in moderating the association between digital game violence and direct aggression in a two-year longitudinal study. Finnish 12- and 15-year-old adolescents (N = 316) participated in the follow-up survey. As hypothesized, digital game violence was linked to direct aggression both longitudinally and synchronously, and the link was moderated by parent–child communication in interaction with sex and age. Results suggest that the moderating role of parent–child communication changes with increasing age. Poor parent–child communication may be one of the factors in an adolescent's development that may strengthen the negative effects of digital game violence, but even good parent–child communication does not necessarily protect the adolescent in the long run. Digital game violence seems to be one of the risk factors of increased aggressive behavior.

This brings us back to the starting point of our journey, the dilemma about the truecrime video game. The solution I found was based on child-parent open dialogue and respect. Moreover, there is no one simple answer to the question about the social & psychological effects of video games on human thought and behavior. Currently, there are more questions than answers. For example: what are the positive effects of playing violent games?

From pure educational perspective, an open dialogue with our children on the theme seems like a good starting point.

= Dedication =
This post is dedicated to "Eshnav-People for Wise Use of the Internet in memory of Eran Aderet" Foundation with deep respect. For info click here
הרשימה מוקדשת לד"ר אבשלום אדרת ולעמותת אשנ"ב -אנשים למען שימוש נבון באינטרנט לזכר ערן אדרת ז"ל
= Bibliography =
Lee, K. M. & Peng, W. (2006). What do we know about social and psychological effects of computer games? A comprehensive review of the current literature. In: Vorderer, P. & Bryant, J. (Eds.) Playing video games: Motives, responses, and consequences (pp. 325-346). Mahwah, NJ: Lwarence Erlbaum.

Polman, H., de Castro, B. O., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2008). Experimental study of the differential effects of playing versus watching violent video games on children’s aggressive behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 34(3), 256-264.

Wallenius, M., Punamäki, R., Rimpelä, A. (2007). Digital game playing and direct and indirect aggression in early adolescence: The roles of age, social intelligence, and parent-child communication. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 36(3), 325-336.

Wallenius , M., & Punamäki, R. (in press). Digital game violence and direct aggression in adolescence: A longitudinal study of the roles of sex, age, and parent–child communication, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.
[On-line available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2008.04.010 accessed 18.6.08]
Weber, R., Ritterfeld, U., & Mathiak, K. (2006). Does playing violent video games induce aggression? Empirical evidence of a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Media Psychology, 8, 39–60.
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Dr. Hanan "VRider" Gazit serves as the Israeli Games Research Association (DiGRA) Chapter. A researcher, lecturer and entrepreneur. Owner of a start-up company specializing in delivering services for Israeli investors, companies and organizations interested in using virtual worlds and video games for business, marketing & instruction. His research interests include: Analyzing virtual worlds and video games interactions; Designing effective serious games; Skills acquisition and virtual-real world transfer and New Media. He holds a Ph.D. degree in the Learning Sciences and a Magna Cum Laude M.A. degree in Science Education, both from Tel-Aviv University. A former post doctorate fellow researcher at the Virtual Reality Lab, Institute for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science, University of Haifa. Dr. Gazit serves on the Association of Virtual Worlds` Advisory Board and on the Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations.

בכנס MIND THE GAMES של די.ג.ר.ה ישראל דנו במהפכת משחקי המחשב

בכנס 2008 MIND THE GAMES של די.ג.ר.ה ישראל הסניף הישראלי של ארגון הבינלאומי לחקר משחקי מחשב שהתקיים בחברת אמדוקס נכחו למעלה משבעים משתתפים. בכנס הוצגו היבטים שונים של מהפכת משחקי המחשב והעולמות הוירטואליים שבה אנו מצויים החל בהשלכות האפשריות של ממשק מוח מחשב על הדורות הבאים, דרך האפשרות לטפל בתסמונת אספרגר ובעיות קשב והתנהגות אחרות באמצעות סביבות פלייסטשיין ועד פיתוח משחק מקוון אינטרנטי מקורי.

פרטי המרצים ותקצירי ההרצאות מופיעים באתר הכנס

הכנס הופק ואורגן על ידי ובחסות חברת וי.אר.טק עולמות בע"מ המספקת שירותים לחברות וארגונים המעוניינים בשילוב משחקי מחשב ועולמות וירטואליים תלת ממדיים כדוגמת סקנד לייף, למטרות עסקיות, הדרכה והכשרה. ובחסות לומדע "אותיות הפלא" - הקניית מיומנויות הקריאה בגישה הפונטית באמצעות משחק. קישור לאתר: http://www.lomda.net

בכנס הדגמתי מדוע יש לשים לב למשחקי המחשב? כי הם מה שמכונה "טכנולוגיה דוחפת" התפתחות החומרה והתוכנה, באמצעות קליפ וידאו של ג'וני לי מאוניברסיטת קרנגי מלון. כשמביאים את מכשיר ה Wii בהפוכה עם התוכנה המתאימה מקבלים מציאות מדומה במסך הטלוויזיה שלכם.

מדוע יש לשים לב למשחקים ולעולמות וירטואליים? כי שם מבלים הילדים וגם לא מעט מבוגרים את מרבית זמנם, אז שימו לב כי משחקי המחשב עשויים להיות ממכרים גם בסין

בכנס הוצג אתר די.ג.ר.ה ישראל ותוכניות הפעולה לשנה הקרובה:
-הקמת מועדון חוקרי די.ג.ר.ה ישראל הצעירים
-מיזם עולמות וירטואליים קוד פתוח וסקנד לייף ישראל למוסדות אקדמיים וחברות
- פרטים ראשונים על קורס אקדמי ללימודי תעודה בתחום פיתוח משחקי ווב. 2.0 מרובי משתתפים מקוונים .

מה תרצו לראות ולשמוע וגם לגעת בכנס די.ג.ר.ה ישראל MIND THE GAMES 2009 ?

© כל הזכויות שמורות לכותב ד"ר חנן גזית 2008

הכותב הינו מייסד
די.ג.ר.ה ישראל, הסניף הישראלי של הארגון הבינלאומי לחקר משחקי מחשב. מתמקד באינטראקציות בעולמות וירטואליים ומשחקי מחשב ובפוטנציאל העסקי, היישומי והחינוכי שטמון בהם. המעוניינים במתן חסות לארגון די.ג.ר. ה ישראל הקליקו כאן או צרו קשר בדואל
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